Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Microsoft had to announce windows phone 7

Microsoft is almost a full year away from releasing a working version of Windows Phone 7 Series (probably the ugliest name ever for an operating system/platform). So why did they announce it so early?

Main reason (if not the only) is to support the company's share value. Microsoft was building this software for the last 3 years in order to establish themselves as the mobile platform for the masses just like it happened with the desktop few years ago. Unfortunately they were very late and Apple managed to get to that position well before they could even react at all.

The future for Windows Phone 7

By the time Microsoft releases Windows Phone 7 Series, Apple store will have more than 200.000 applications, many million users, a few billion downloads and probably a few billion in revenue. By the time users begin to adopt Windows Phone 7 Series, Microsoft fixes the first bugs probably by releasing patches and hotfixes and at last users start to like, Apple will be way ahead.

And apple won't be the only one that will be in that game. Android, Symbian, Blackberry and others will be there to get a market share from Microsoft.

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